» The
Human Capital
The human capital is the most valuable asset to any organization.
The equation may be simplified accordingly; wherever there is knowledge,
find it, hone it, entice it, produce it, use it and this will translate
to $$$ in the bottom line. In other words the objective of building
knowledgeable staff is based on the principle of assigning responsibility,
accepting accountability, being recognized and rewarded for the
Business eLearning is inextricably tied into Human Resource Development.
eZeeLearning tools come equipped with an effective administrative
module which will electronically track who took which course and
when and what were the results.
This is most effective in organizations which are highly regulated
like the Financial Industry. For example, today the training for
Anti Money Laundering and Anti Terrorism is onerous and costly to
say the least. In the developing world, banks are required to have
their staff not only take the course 4 times per year, but each
staff is required to pass with a certain percentage. Think of the
administrative nightmare and added HR costs just to monitor this
one requirement especially for banks with thousands of employees.
Yet, using HIPNET's eZeeLearning tools, specifically the
administrative module, employees take the course and the tests on
their own time from their desk and a report is provided to the head
of HR as to how many took the course and passed above the cutoff
percentage and who did not.
The above is a prime example of how organizations build knowledge
base employees. Yet the example deals only with compliance, keeping
current with regulations, which is becoming more stringent. Just
imagine the results if this type of learning were to be geared towards
ensuring that companies, not only achieve a competitive advantage
but sustain this differentiator into perpetuity. That is how one
builds an everlasting organization.