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HIPNET has researched the difference between how children and young adults learn versus how adults or professionals learn; i.e., the difference between academic learning and mentored or practical learning. HIPNET has a model for each of these types of learning utilizing the latest in intuitive technology without technology impeding the learning, but on the contrary, utilizing technology to augment content and distribute knowledge to the masses. HIPNET has branded its Learning Management Systems (LMS), techniques and intellectual property as eZeeLearning.

What is the principle of eZeeLearning?

The principle of HIPNET's eZeeLearning is simply centered on finding the pool of knowledge or subject matter experts, synthesize it, distribute it to many and develop a wider knowledge base community. In simple terms, anyone, anywhere, should have a personal mentor at anytime. The subject matter is delivered using most of the human senses including animation, videos demonstration, sound as well as text. This technique may be applied at many levels of human development and appeals to both schools and the business communities.

Strategic Alignment Learning Management Systems Ayurvedic Wellness