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The Principle of Ayurveda
Stress & Obesity
HIPNET's Offerings
HIPNET's Vision for Health and Wellness
What are Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation?
Benefits of Ayurveda
Sales Brochure for Ayurveda
Establishing an Ayurvedic Spa Clinic
Who Should be Interested in Building this Wellness Centre?
Why Should Insurance Companies be Interested in Ayurvedic Treatments
Professional Bodies
Progressive Companies

» Progressive Companies

Any organization or association that has the foresight to realize that keeping their membership and human capital healthy and self-assured with access to knowledge know this is the recipe for building everlasting organizations that will always attain and maintain a sustainable competitive position as creative leaders within their respective industries. Why not reward your staff and your board members with exposure to Ayurvedic treatments? Who knows - they may well commit to a positive lifestyle change that will eradicate the leaches of productivity and creativity, STRESS and OBESITY.

Strategic Alignment Learning Management Systems Ayurvedic Wellness