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The Principle of Ayurveda
Stress & Obesity
HIPNET's Offerings
HIPNET's Vision for Health and Wellness
What are Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation?
Benefits of Ayurveda
Sales Brochure for Ayurveda
Establishing an Ayurvedic Spa Clinic
Who Should be Interested in Building this Wellness Centre?
Why Should Insurance Companies be Interested in Ayurvedic Treatments
Professional Bodies
Progressive Companies

Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicine know to modern man. It is over 5,000 years old and originates from south Indian province of Kerela, where there is a vibrant practice today. HIPNET researched and experienced first hand the merits of this health form early in 2007 from all aspects including; the universities that produce the Doctors, the hospitals where diagnosis and cure is preformed, the farms that grow the plants that is the foundation for the medicine, the scientific research laboratories that ensure a lasting supply of the plants, the factories where the medicine are manufactured, the pharmacies where the product is distributed and the spas where massage and detoxification treatments are carried out.

Strategic Alignment Learning Management Systems Ayurvedic Wellness